here for you
Stepps on the Level was first published in 2005 and has grown rapidly over the past 18 years. Our free monthly magazine is distributed on the 3rd of every month to households across Stepps, Millerston, Hogganfield, Steppshill, Cardowan, Garnkirk, Muirhead, Chryston, Moodiesburn and Crowwood Grange, reaching over 17,000 residents. With copies available in local businesses, community facilities and organisations, we have a wide scope in the local area.
Our combination of business advertisements, editorials, community news, elected member updates and useful contacts maintains our status as a much valued resource and a great investment for anyone looking to get published.
Our A5 sized magazine is professionally printed in high-gloss premium paper, with all full-colour advertisements.
In an expanding area with the potential for further market growth after the completion of new housing developments later this year, Stepps on the Level provides the perfect opportunity to make your business, organisation or news known to myriad of potential clients and customers.

Meet sameeha
Sameeha is the Proprietor of Stepps on the Level.
As a long-term local, Sameeha is passionate about her community, supporting it and showcasing it in any means possible.